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Windows Missile Launcher

I have received many requests from Windows developers who want to improve on the supplied Windows software for the USB Missile Launcher and DreamCheeky Rocket Launcher. I’m more than happy to supply the source code to anyone who is interested, in fact it is included with the Macintosh distribution.

To make things a bit easier, I’ve pasted below the interesting parts of the source code. If you would like to see more of the source, please comment here or mail me.

Here’s a neat trick. With a bit of construction, you can mount a web camera on your DreamCheeky Missile Launcher and control it with your USB joy stick.

Windows developers please use the comments section on this page to exchange discussions and post information about your development efforts.

– (id)MissileControl:(UInt8)controlBits;
IOUSBDevRequest devRequest;
UInt8 reqBuffer[64];
USBLauncher *privateDataRef;
int i;
IOUSBDeviceInterface **missileDevice;
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl”);
int numItems = [launcherDevice count];
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl – launchers to control = %d”, numItems);

for (i = 0; i DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

reqBuffer[0] = ‘U’;
reqBuffer[1] = ‘S’;
reqBuffer[2] = ‘B’;
reqBuffer[3] = ‘C’;
reqBuffer[4] = 0;
reqBuffer[5] = 64;
reqBuffer[6] = 2;
reqBuffer[7] = 0;
devRequest.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
devRequest.bRequest = kUSBRqSetConfig;
devRequest.wValue = kUSBConfDesc;
devRequest.wIndex = 1;
devRequest.wLength = 8;
devRequest.pData = reqBuffer;
(*missileDevice)->DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

reqBuffer[0] = 0;
if (controlBits & 1)
reqBuffer[1] = 1;//left
reqBuffer[1] = 0;

if (controlBits & 2)
reqBuffer[2] = 1;//right
reqBuffer[2] = 0;//right

if (controlBits & 4)
reqBuffer[3] = 1;//up
reqBuffer[3] = 0;//up

if (controlBits & 8)
reqBuffer[4] = 1;//down
reqBuffer[4] = 0;//down

if (controlBits & 16)
reqBuffer[5] = 1;//fire
reqBuffer[5] = 0;//fire

reqBuffer[6] = 8;
reqBuffer[7] = 8;
devRequest.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
devRequest.bRequest = kUSBRqSetConfig;
devRequest.wValue = kUSBConfDesc;
devRequest.wIndex = 0;
devRequest.wLength = 64;
devRequest.pData = reqBuffer;
(*missileDevice)->DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

if (controlBits & 32) // Park
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl – MissileLauncher Park”);
[self MissileLauncher_Park];


else if ([privateDataRef getusbVendorID] == kUSBRocketVendorID &&
[privateDataRef getusbProductID] == kUSBRocketProductID)
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl – DreamCheeky %x”, controlBits);

// ===========================================================================
// Control of USB Rocket Launcher – DreamCheeky
// ===========================================================================

// Control of the launcher works on a binary code – see the table below for an explanation
// | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
// |——|—|—|—|—|
// | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 – Up
// | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 – Down
// | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 – nothing
// | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 – Left
// | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 – Up / Left
// | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6 – Down / left
// | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 – Slow left
// | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 – Right
// | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 – Up / Right
// | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 – Down / Right
// | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 – Slow Right
// | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 – nothing
// | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 – Slow Up
// | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 – Slow Down
// | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 – nothing
// | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 – Fire
// | Fire |RT |LT |DN |UP |

reqBuffer[0] = 0;
reqBuffer[1] = 0;
reqBuffer[2] = 0;
reqBuffer[3] = 0;
reqBuffer[4] = 0;
reqBuffer[5] = 0;
reqBuffer[6] = 0;
reqBuffer[7] = 0;
devRequest.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
devRequest.bRequest = kUSBRqSetConfig;
devRequest.wValue = kUSBConfDesc;
devRequest.wIndex = 1;
devRequest.wLength = 8;
devRequest.pData = reqBuffer;
(*missileDevice)->DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

reqBuffer[0] = 0;
if (controlBits & 1) // left
reqBuffer[0] |= 4;
if (controlBits & 2) // right
reqBuffer[0] |= 8;
if (controlBits & 4) // up
reqBuffer[0] |= 1;
if (controlBits & 8) // down
reqBuffer[0] |= 2;
if (controlBits & 16) // Fire
reqBuffer[0] |= 16;
reqBuffer[1] = 0;
reqBuffer[2] = 0;
reqBuffer[3] = 0;
reqBuffer[4] = 0;
reqBuffer[5] = 0;
reqBuffer[6] = 0;
reqBuffer[7] = 0;
devRequest.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
devRequest.bRequest = kUSBRqSetConfig;
devRequest.wValue = kUSBConfDesc;
devRequest.wIndex = 0;
devRequest.wLength = 8;
devRequest.pData = reqBuffer;
(*missileDevice)->DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

reqBuffer[0] = 0;
reqBuffer[1] = 0;
reqBuffer[2] = 0;
reqBuffer[3] = 0;
reqBuffer[4] = 0;
reqBuffer[5] = 0;
reqBuffer[6] = 0;
reqBuffer[7] = 0;
devRequest.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
devRequest.bRequest = kUSBRqSetConfig;
devRequest.wValue = kUSBConfDesc;
devRequest.wIndex = 1;
devRequest.wLength = 8;
devRequest.pData = reqBuffer;
(*missileDevice)->DeviceRequest(missileDevice, &devRequest);

if (controlBits & 16) // Fire
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl – DreamCheeky Fire”);
// Need to stop the fire sequence – otherwise it continues withou stopping
[self DGWScheduleCancelLauncherCommand:5.000];


if (controlBits & 32) // Park
//NSLog(@”USBMissileControl: MissileControl – DreamCheeky Park”);
[self DreamCheeky_Park];

// ===========================================================================
// End Control of USB Rocket Launcher – DreamCheeky
// ===========================================================================

return self;


1. Brandon - 30 December 2006

I’ve gone about making a Windows port that works ok (except the firing can be a bit fidgety at times), for more information and the link to download, go here:


2. Martin - 6 March 2007

Hi i have lost the Driver disk for my windows version of the software only really want to launch my missiles across the room at my flat mate again. Even more so now i have mounted cocktail sticks in it (should make him wash up more πŸ˜€ ) Is there any chance of getting the orginal drivers from yourself? I have looked every where, i have even tried to convert your .DMG’s back to .ISO’s but that didn’t work out so well.

Id be so greatful if you could help cheers,

3. Martin - 6 March 2007

I have the steel gray 3 white with red fin missile launcher

4. David Wilson - 6 March 2007

Hi Martin…

You can’t use the Apple DMG files on a PC.
I’ve had a quick look for location on the net that might have a copy of the origional CD that you need and can not find anything obvious at this time. Maybe someone can make an image of the CD, host it, and post the link here.

– David

5. Jimmy - 16 March 2007

I have an electronic copy of the most recent PC launcher software for the Rocket Launcher (Green, yellow darts) that I can upload, but I don’t have a site to host the file myself. Maybe David would host if if I could email it?

6. Gareth - 16 March 2007

That link for the windows port doesn’t work any more, could you provide another one please.

7. Tharit - 24 May 2007

I’ve recently started to work on a control software for windows myself.
Right now, only the DreamCheeky launcher is supported because thats the one I have, but I plan on adding support for the other launchers by reusing the code of USB Missile Launcher.

The first release can be found here (website is in german only right now, sorry.. will add an english translation sometime soon):

As soon as I implement the required parts for the other launchers and finish cleaning up my code, I will release the source, too.

8. Jonathan Nguyen - 6 July 2007

I bought the same dreamcheeky rocket launcher to put it on my robot and it turned out the software from dreamcheeky sucks. After searching around and using this site as the starting point, I’m able to get a custom app working with it. I went ahead and created RocketLauncher.dll using UsbLibrary.dll from an article on Codeproject (http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/USB_HID.asp). I make the api as simple as possible to provide quick access to the launcher from people like me who just wanted an easy and quick way to incorporate it into our projects. Pretty simple to use. RocketLauncher.dll is .net library. I only tested it with dreamcheeky usb rocket launcher. The read values from the usb device is a little bit different from Brandon’s values in comment one. Will explain further down.

Here is a little details on the file, pretty easy to use:

To use it with .net app:
– Download UsbLibrary.dll from: http://home.myuw.net/tmn/UsbLibrary.dll
– Download RocketLauncher.dll from http://home.myuw.net/tmn/RocketLauncher.dll
– Put both files in the some directory and add reference to RocketLauncher.dll (no need to add ref to UsbLibrary.dll)

– Create an instance of RocketLauncher.Launcher and have the following api available for you:
SetDeviceInfo(): Allow you to set vendor id and product id. Currently, the default vendor id is 1941 and product id is 8021 if you use the default constructor.
Connect() – must call this function first to load the rocket launcher before any movement.
Up(), Right(), Left(), Down(), UpLeft(), UpRight(), DownLeft(), DownRight(), StopMoving(), Fire(), StopFiring().
OnDataReceived event let you get all the data (converted to string) sent from the usb device

All moving already checks for the max values of left, right, up, down and will stop moving base on the following data received from usb:

0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: max down
0 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: max up
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0: max left
0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0: max right

Sorry, I don’t do any other fancy stuff since these APIs are just exactly what I need for my robot project. However, I leave the actual usb device within RocketLauncher.Launcher public so that anybody wants to do more things with it can go ahead.

Make sure to check your vendor id and product id before using it and set it properly. (you can find them in the device manager session of your launcher).


majornijjargmailcom - 13 October 2020

Great stuff on your site. I have a Dream Cheeky toy rocket launcher with IR an transponder that connects to a USB port and communicates to the turret via IR. Do you have information on how I can get this to work?

Thank You,

David Wilson - 15 October 2020

Hi, thanks for the comment. I have not seen any specification or design sheets that document an IR communications protocol.

majornijjargmailcom - 26 October 2020

Can you help me download a USB Missile Launching s/w for windows. Every time I click on a link, I get the “Link Expired” error. May be its something that I am missing.

Thank You,

9. john5 - 22 August 2007

how can I setup 2 launchers on the same PC?

10. David Wilson - 22 August 2007

My Mac software supports multiple launchers automatically. I do not know what the windows software will or will not do. The software does have to be specifically written to handle it.

11. Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu - 24 August 2007


C# library to control the Dream Cheeky. I’m working on absolute positioning, and position tracking as well.

12. Fox - 26 December 2007

i’ve just take the USB Missile Launcher… the gray version with 3 white/red missiles.

So i’m searching on the net and i’m downloading and tasting the various application developed… but no one seem to work (only the dafault application).

I’m working on a PC.

Someone can help me ?


13. Morgon - 27 December 2007


I’ve just written a c dll to control a dream cheeky launcher from the scripting language lua, if that’s any use to anyone.

Lua is nice and easy to learn for them that haven’t tried it.


14. Kenny - 5 January 2008

Has anyone had any luck getting the grey missile launcher to work on windows xp 64bit? Or can anyone point me in the right direction?


josh - 4 May 2011

yes if you have another computer that is a 32 bit system install it on that then go into program files. find it. copy the folder then place it on a pen drive and copy the folder onto your pc then open it. it worked for me

15. Bill - 16 January 2008

Anyone know why the APIsample from ninja will recognize the launcher, but not send any commands when running under win2K? Works fine under XP.

16. Rebecca Taylor - 8 July 2008

Can you put up the link for the windows download again please!!!!!!

17. David Wilson - 8 July 2008

This should help.


Assumes you have a DreamCheeky branded launcher.

18. nick - 5 January 2009

Dear Everyone

I have the grey rocket launcher with 3 rockets! i am running vista 64 bit system and i have been bought this for xmas. the cd software with the device does not work and the os says it is not reco it. please help,

monkeys98 - 30 March 2013

same have you found a solution

19. x3haloed - 4 March 2009

Jonathan Nguyen! You are a badass! This is exactly what I was looking for. The software that comes with the rocket launcher sucks ass

20. Matt - 15 April 2009

Per Jonathan’s code for SetDeviceInfo it only collects Vendor ID and Program ID as ints however it is excepting the Hex code not the decimal because it converts it to the decimal so how do you enter a vendor id the contains Letters?

21. x3xhalo4everx3x - 13 August 2009

i got a problem with:
the programm crash after i press any of the buttons so i dont get to shoot or move it… i got the green launcher with three yellow rockets and windows vista.. sometimes i can use it for like 5 secs :S

22. SDiablo - 21 September 2009

Need Vista 64 bit software, please give a link, when you got!

23. neo - 3 October 2009

is there a link for vista 32? most of links are dead 😦

24. HiRsch - 11 October 2009

anyone got a working version for the grey launcher with the white rockets with the red fins?
the setup cd that came with mine just says: setup failed
maybe anyone workin on an own version, too? πŸ˜‰

25. Simon StΓΈvring - 11 December 2009

Can anyone please explain to me, how I can get this to work sot hat I can control my Satzuma Missile Launcher, which is connected to a Windows machine, from my iPhone 3GS?
Feel free to sent me an email.

26. Marcus - 18 December 2009

To make it work on 64-bit system just install the software on a 32-bit machine and then copy the installed folder to your 64-bit computer. It works for me.

27. Jelte - 30 December 2009


I try to develop a Linux driver from the USB Missle launcher. not for the DreamCheaky but the other one, i saw the picture of it on your site in the section ¨USB Rocket/Missile Launcher testimonials¨, anyway i was wondering: how did you get the binairy commands that you need to make movements etc ? or can i use the binary commands from the list above?


David Wilson - 30 December 2009


First off, I believe there are already LINUX drivers around for the launcher (the Grey one). You’d need to check my blog site for other postings on the same subject. That may save you some effort.

The commands to the missile launchers (all of them) were captured by “Brute Force”. That is to say the missile launcher was connected to a Windows PC with the manufacturers supplied Windows software, and another piece of software (who’s name I simply cannot recall at the moment – but did come from sourceforge). This allowed the launcher to be sent commands and the hex strings “relatively easily” interpreted. The other magic piece of software interpreted all the usb header stuff etc.

So… now the simple answer is to use the command table shown. If you download the Mac source code, look in MissileControl.m (err, it could be MissileControl.c) and find the appropriate launcher, I believe I documented the launcher commands there by USB Vendor ID and USB Product ID.

– David

David G. Wilson https://dgwilson.wordpress.com http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/dgwilson/

28. Jelte - 30 December 2009


Thanks for your fast reply :),

yeah there are some drivers around for linux. but i would like to make it by myself as a kind of programming practicing. i think the magical piece of software where you are talking about is a USB sniffing tool, i will try to get my hands on it.

Anyway thanks for your help and fast reply!


29. alf - 7 January 2010

ok i need to control my dream cheeky green missle luncher with a microsoft sidewinder freestyle pro eneone know how ?

30. phate - 4 March 2010

hey has anyone made some new software for this yet? im running windows 7 and there’s no support for it

31. Marcus - 4 March 2010

Mine is working fine in Win 7

32. derfux - 13 March 2010

can u upload your software?? rs or something like that?

33. Michael - 14 April 2010

I’m trying to incorporate the USB Launcher in a project on the Altera DE2 FPGA board and need a c code that I can use to control the launcher. Any help with the USB protocol would also be helpful.

David Wilson - 14 April 2010

Take a look on the web site at https://dgwilson.wordpress.com and in the downloads section. There you will find a link to the source code for USB Missile Launcher NZ. That will contain what you need.

– David

David G. Wilson https://dgwilson.wordpress.com http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/dgwilson/

34. Mike C - 1 July 2010

Chris Smith’s “Being an Evil Genius with F# and .NET” presentation at CodeMash was hilarious! I too root for the evil genius category. They go to great lengths to build an underground lair in a volcano, only to be ruined by some hotshot spy or super-hero.

Check out his Missile Launcher app, created at the presentation:


35. bjΓΆrn - 9 July 2010

hello mr wilson πŸ™‚

nice work dude. you seem to be the only one who has worked on a usb missile programm for the mac. so that was the reason why i ordered a missile launcher. i downloaded the software and it didn’t work. 😦

my system: OSX 10.5.8
usb missile launcher (the ordinary grey one from satzuma):
vendor id (0416)(winbond), product (9391) it says in the system profiler. i entered the numbers in your program but nothing happened.

it works well on the pc (with windows software of course) – not broke.

any solutions? will you ever give an update for your software?


will you ever give an update for the usb missile software?

David Wilson - 9 July 2010

Hi there… thanks for the comment.

Version 1.7 is the latest version of the application available. The challenge is keeping up with the manufacturers who periodically release new launchers that work to a different set of USB commands/control sequences. The only way to get a new launcher working is to have someone who has one do the required program updates and feed them back to me, or I get one of the actual launchers. The tricky thing there is that they can “look the same” but are not. The Satzuma one you speak of seems different to the Original grey one that I knew of and have.

So… two solutions… 1. fancy doing any programming??? I can guide – some previous experience essential 2. somehow someone sends me one of these launchers.

I should add that the work isn’t hard, it’s duplicating code that’s already there… mostly.. then getting the control sequences to work (once we uncover what they are). This does assume that the launcher functions like the others…

– David

David G. Wilson https://dgwilson.wordpress.com http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/dgwilson/

bjΓΆrn - 15 July 2010


thanks for you reply.

unfortunately i have no programming experience at all!

sending you the missile launcher would be effective, but also the most expensive way i think because of the shipping. πŸ˜‰

so we got stuck somehow. :/


36. Eddy - 12 August 2010

My biggest problem is that I can’t get Windows7 to recognize the launcher at all. When I plug it in, SOMETIMES I get an “unknown device” detection. Other times not even that.

37. schlingel - 13 August 2010

Hi Dave,

I have a Winbond model that doesnt work (Device VendorID/ProductID: 0x0416/0x9391 (Winbond Electronics Corp.))

And I have some OS X development expertise, so if you tell me what’s needed to do, I would be happy to assist πŸ˜‰


38. schlingel - 14 August 2010

Something I forgot:

When I put in the Device and Vendor ID I got from USB Prober, I dont even get your app to recognize that it is connected. It still thinks tells me that the launcher is not connected (after restarting the app of course)

39. bjΓΆrn - 26 October 2010

any new developements? or do i have to buy a PC at work to annoy my co-workers? πŸ˜‰


David Wilson - 1 November 2010

> any new developments?

None I’m sorry. My testing (with the devices I have) has been successful. Unless it breaks for me, there’s not much chance I can fix things. Quite possibly you have a launcher that has new internals from the manufacturer. Without me getting my hands on one or someone else willing to unravel things with the source code in hand… there isn’t much can be done. Sorry.

– David

David Wilson - 1 November 2010

After a quick retest… I have identified a _small_ issue. The MSN (Blue launcher with Camera) does not Fire.

Hmmm… I’m going to have to look deeper…

– David

David Wilson - 2 November 2010

OK, my fears that the Fire launcher code was not working for the MSN launcher are unfounded. I’m in the fortunate position of having two of these devices and it turns out that one works and one does not.

– David

40. bjΓΆrn - 2 November 2010


well, as you mentioned, you need someone who is able to rewrite the sourcecode to get the specific launcher going.

“schlingel – 13 August 2010” says that heΒ΄s got the same missle launcher (Device VendorID/ProductID: 0Γ—0416/0Γ—9391 (Winbond Electronics Corp.)) AND he can assist you. did you get in contact with him?


David Wilson - 2 November 2010

I send a private e-mail to him. We’ll see what comes back.

– David

David Wilson - 2 November 2010

Delivery failed.

Craig - 13 November 2010

I’m a moderately skilled programmer who can also help. The same model as the previous poster. I’ll be glad to help as I’m getting some issues trying to build my own.

Mainly, things like the fire command are causing infinitely repeating shots. Feel free to shoot me an email with any particular instructions you might need.


41. LCPL Davenport - 27 December 2010

HELP. I bought this without reading anything and didn’t realize that it was only compatible with Windows 2000/ Windows XP. Is there any software out there that I can download so I can get it to run off of Windows 7? I’m in the Marine Corps, I have no programming Skills whatsoever, and I just want to shoot my Corporal next time he walks into my barracks room. Please help me out here.

42. Deeja - 7 January 2011

I’m a C# programmer by trade, but want to build a BB turret out of the USB Circus Cannon (all the Missile Launchers have sold out). Long term I’m thinking laser guided targeting with motion detection, but for now… Just a driver to move it would be cool πŸ™‚

So, I would like to help. Maybe even get a sourceforge, google code project going?

Deeja - 7 January 2011

Oh… rocket.codeplex.com

43. Edward - 9 January 2011

Do you have a site for Alaska .

44. Mark - 12 February 2011

hi has anyone got one running yet? i have the old usb missile launcher game and the drivers will not work on win 7

does anyone have a working file i could dl?

Mike - 14 February 2011

Likewise I need software for Windows 7 that will control the grey launcher.

45. Ted - 16 April 2011

Anyone find one that the grey one with the white rockets and red fin will work with for windows 7 can’t find them anywere was hoping windows xp mode would work but nada since windows 7 doesnt actually know what the usb device is

46. Matt - 22 April 2011

anyone know if these byte codes are correct for the dream cheeky storm?


Trying to hack it for an academic project. Thanks,


David Wilson - 24 April 2011


Close… but not quite the same. I will send you developer doc for this separately.

– David

David G. Wilson https://dgwilson.wordpress.com http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/dgwilson/

Robert - 23 May 2011


Can you send me the developer doc for the Storm OIC launcher? I’m integrating the launcher into a robot project and could use some help with the byte codes. Thanks…


Rich - 22 September 2011

Hi David,

Would it be possible to get a copy of those byte codes too?
I’ve just got a Storm OIC and the codes I’ve got seem to be out of date (I can message the Launcher successfully, but get no response)



47. ivan - 25 April 2011

please just write a link where i casn download drivers for windows 7. i have the grey one with white rockets

48. ivan - 25 April 2011

please just write a link where i casn download drivers for windows 7. i have the grey one with white rockets………….

49. ivan - 25 April 2011


50. Mike - 26 April 2011

Same here – if anyone has Windows 7 drivers for the grey one with white rockets please let me know

51. Jake - 7 August 2011

Hi, im integrating the storm launcher in a robot project as well, trying to find a way to control it through a website and i could really use some hints on how to do this..

David Wilson - 7 August 2011

The Storm programming control codes are available, so that’s the specifics of driving the launcher.

As to how to control over the internet, you will have to establish your own protocols and software to do this. You should have already have this figured out and that on the “client” end you will need driver software.

Good luck with your project.

– David

52. Corbin - 28 August 2011

I Have the Storm OIC, running on Windows 7, and the webcam image keeps cutting out and turning white, or to a bunch of horizontal lines. All the controls work well except for the image HELP!!!!

53. Nils - 2 September 2011

Same for me – need Windows 7 drivers/software for the grey one with white rockets :/

Jakob - 14 November 2011

Same here… Also need “Windows 7 drivers/software for the grey one with white rockets”

54. ch - 29 November 2011

for everyone with the “grey one with white rockets”: Swamiware Striker II works under Win7 32-bit.

55. redtube video download - 8 December 2011

You actually make it appear really easy along with your presentation but I in finding this matter to be really one thing that I believe I’d by no means understand. It sort of feels too complicated and very broad for me. I am having a look ahead in your subsequent submit, I will attempt to get the grasp of it!

56. Nick - 30 December 2011

I have the Storm OIC on a 64 bit Win7 Laptop.. The Camera & Pan/Tilt function are working properly. However, when I go to launch the missile. nothing happens. Does anyone know if this is a software issue or a hardware issue?

David Wilson - 30 December 2011

I’ve struck this before. The firing mechanism can jam. I’ve taken mine apart to fix it… that was a bit of a mission… and somewhat annoying when it jammed again. So a solid and controlled thud to the table while holding the head of the launcher did the trick. Try this first. Your millage may vary. Don’t break it.

Hope that helps.

– David

57. Advanced Electrolysis Paddington - 15 January 2012

Hi there, You’ve performed a fantastic job. I will certainly digg it and for my part suggest to my friends. I am confident they’ll be benefited from this website.

58. Bob - 28 February 2012

I have the DreamCheeky Rocket Launcher with Webcam and everything works fine.

Still, I’d like it to fire immediately and rotate after and not before firing, so that moving targets can be hit without the time lag between pressing fire and actual shot.

Is there a sourcecode that already had implemented this feature? If not, is anybody interested in programming such modficiation? I would try it myself, but I am not that familiar with C++.

Thanks in advance!

David Wilson - 28 February 2012

I think to fire immediately you need to overcome an issue with Physics. The mechanics of the launcher means they have to go through those firing actions before the actual fire event takes place.

I’d recommend you place a new feature suggestion directly with Dream Cheeky.

– David

59. six6blueeyez - 16 August 2012

here is link to dreamcheeky’s download-support where software for windows can be found


60. Beans - 13 September 2012

Hi, is there anyone could help me in a project which requires to create a Windows Phone Application to control the dream cheeky and able to use the camera at the same time just like the Launcher but by sending data using WCF Web Service? Thanks! :>

61. http://tinyurl.com/ligeneale51031 - 9 January 2013

I Think that blog post, β€œWindows Missile Launcher « David’s Opinions” was in fact good! Icannot agree along with you more! Finally looks like I personallyfound a weblog definitely worth reading through. Thank you, Hubert

62. Shumani - 11 September 2013

I’m asking u to inset my country in the list of cameras,my country name is South Africa

63. R - 26 May 2015

Is it possible to use it with a 2.4 GHz RC ,
Without changing the Motors etc.?

64. windows-7 - Pilote pour USB Missile Launcher dans Windows 7 - 19 April 2019

[…] plus utile de la source que j'ai trouvΓ© est le code de la NZ Mac port mais je n'ai aucune idΓ©e de quoi faire avec […]

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